17 May 2008

You command an enormous kiss

Ultimamente my mood has been on the heavy side.  This being a generally light-hearted blog, I haven't had much fodder until yesterday when I giggled a good deal over two separate events.

Have you ever eaten forati pasta?  Leah and I enjoyed this deceptively simple dish for lunch. From the outside it looks like fat spaghetti.  Look again, once cooked you learn they more closely resemble long skinny tubes of macaroni.  The tricky part was trying to slurp the long straws into our pie-holes and avoid sucking sauce into our tracheas.   I challenge you to try it.

Leah battles forati

Because Hee returned from his honeymoon, Leah has resumed teaching his English classes. Long story short, one of Hee's friends I met at his wedding asked Hee if he could get my email address (hee hee).  Leah passed it along, and while the arrangements of potential first dates is something of an awkward nature, this is too funny not to share.

The original email is quite genteel and respectful (it did come with proper accents and upsidedown question marks, but I can't figure out how to copy and paste it):

Hey Cari como estas?  tanto tiempo.
Tu amiga leah me paso tu correo muy gentilmente.
sigues en Argentina?
Me caistes muy simpatica esa noche que te conoci.
Me gustaria seguir charlando con vos.
Como van tus cosas?
Espero que sigas bien.

Te mando un beso enorme.

Though I caught jist, I always like to plug my Spanish correspondence into the free translation website which should be my homepage.  While it is a good resource, as you will see doesn't always make everything clear. The results:

Hey Cari as these? so much time.
Your friend leah me step your mail very kindly.  
You continue in Argentina?
Me caistes very nice that night that you conoci.  
I would like to continue chatting with vos.  How go your things?
Espero that continue well.

You command an enormous kiss.

How very forward of me.


Anonymous said...

so nice.

Seba said...

Thank u very mucho for this lindo story.
Je je yep macarroni can be tricky, specially when u try to "enrrollarlos" with the fork... they seem to be like an endless thread