19 May 2008


Pronouncing all ll's and y's with the re porteno "sh" at first makes the Argentine accent difficult to understand.  Nonetheless, visitors with open hearts and artistic ears will find the sound falls on them like sweet soft rain.  
It also makes it lots of fun to say words like calleyo, llamada (cashay, sho, shamada (yo'mutha)).  

I can't do this, but it's funny, no?

This reflection was inspired by the new yoga class I am taking twice weekly.  After just a couple of classes I can see many benefits: it's a time to stretch and relax, to mentally take myself out of the city grid and into my musings, to combat my pizza addiction, and to learn the Spanish words for all of my appendices big and small.  However, no less pleasurable is simply saying: "estoy haciendo shoga!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to post more often! How else can I live vicariously in Buenos Aires?!?

(also, yes, I see the hypocrisy in my scolding for lack of updates)