28 April 2008

Hee gets Hitched!

One of the pleasures of living in a big city is that they are often cultural melting pots in which many delicious flavors blend together.  As luck would have it, during the weekend I got to enjoy this aspect of urban life.  Friday night I went out to Plaza Serrano to enjoy the breezy weather and a cold beer with my Peruvian friend, Armando.  Sunday I went to see a cheap but classy tango show at the Teatro Empire with my (formerly Yugoslavian but now) Bosnian friend Esma (who I met in Costa Rica).   However, it was Saturday night which stole the show- Hee and Ariana's casamiento!!

Hee is one of Leah's English students.  Not only is it fun to talk about Hee, what with having a pronoun for a name; Hee is particularly generous and thoughtful, giving Leah 3 invitations and placing us at a multilingual table where guests not only spoke Korean and Spanish but also fluid English. Hee's a great guy, eh?

Even though I've waitressed 150-odd weddings in my lifetime, the magic is never lost on me.  I'm a sucker for tradition.    Culturally we were in for a two-for-one experience as Hee and Ariana are Korean-Argentinean.  Being Korean and Protestant, we thought the affiar would stay on the conservative side.  However, in the end, this is Argentina.  Thus, after the ceremony and dinner, the dance floor was packed, fine Mendozan Malbec started flowing, and round after round of tasty morsels were delivered to our tables. By 4am we were exhausted and trudged to a taxi to make our way across town to our cozy beds.  The party was still in full swing at that time; I'm sure it didn't wind down until breakfast was served at 8 in the morning. Seriously. 12 hours since vows were exchanged!

I love chopsticks

20 varieties of Korean cuisine!

Desserts- way tastier than they appear! The pastel balls with sesame peanut filling were a sweet flashback to Hong Kong.

Hee breaks it down.

Last week also marked one year since I left the States to teach in Bangladesh.  I thought it might be fun to reminisce by posting some photos of a village wedding I enjoyed about one year ago at this time.  

Please forgive the tiny photos, I had to rip them out of my Facebook albums. AND since Blogger is not in the slightest bit user-friendly I'll make a separate post instead of trying to drag and format them to come down here to the bottom of the page. Forgive me, my upstairs neighbor is blaring Tainted Love and I just don't have the patience.

1 comment:

Seba said...

what a great wedding! zarpado casamiento! como bajaba el vino...

I think i can divide the night in a few sections, characterized by a word or a phrase.

1: [korean]... amen ... [korean]

2: a)esto esta bueno, y esto tambien
b)cari, go get the wine!

3: Alguien desea probar un tentempie? Claro que si! (seba)

4: Mas vino por favor!

5: Seba, im sooo tired. Seba, im so tired. Seba, im so tired.....